Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Music and the political attitudes

I just read a very interesting article ‘How well does music predict your politics?’. My first thought was that people listening to Punk are more or less left-wing, which becomes obvious in particular a few songs which deal with the topic of anarchism. In this article, analyzing data has shown that correlations between voters of either the Republican or Democratic Party and the music they prefer can be found  in the United States. For example Republicans like the music of Elvis Presley and Kelly Clarkson more and Democrats favor Madonna and Bob Marley (Whitman, 2013). It is easier to find a correlation between the political attitudes in a two party system like  America, either you are left- or right-wing. In other countries it will be more difficult to find a correlation between specific artists and the party which will be elected when there are for example five different main parties which will need to have a coalition. For example, if someone has left-wing ideologies it is harder to find which party they support  if there is more than one left-wing party. 

To sum up I think the article is quiet interesting but generally no one can make any suggestions about the results of an election depending on the music that is heard or bought mostly in one country.

Whitman, Brian: How well does music predict your politics?, viewed 27/08/2013 <http://notes.variogr.am/post/26869688460/how-well-does-music-predict-your-politics>

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